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Staff application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a staff member at SiriusMC; please read the following information before submitting an application:

Staff Applications are currently: Open

Positions Available: Trial-Mod

Limited Positions are available for players who exclusively play Tekkit 2. Unlimited positions are available for players who actively play on our 'The 1.12.2 Pack', Nomifactory, RLCraft or Tekkit Legends servers.

To be eligible to submit an application you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be 16+ Years of age.

  • Speak English to a reasonable standard.

  • Have 80 hours minimum network-wide playtime.

  • Demonstrated consistent playtime over a minimum of at least three months.

  • Knowledgeable about Tekkit 2, Tekkit Legends, Nomifactory, RLCraft or 'The 1.12.2 Pack'.

  • Not banned or muted from the server within the last year (Warnings are fine).

Meeting the requirements above is no guarantee your application will be accepted, only that you are eligible to apply. We use a range of criteria to assess your application, including the quality of your application answers, our interactions with you, your interactions with the server community and factors such as your behaviour in-game etc... will all be considered.

As a Trial-Mod the following will be expected of you:

  • To actively help players with issues/problems.

  • Be an active and visible presence on the server and its community.

  • Issue sanctions to rule-breakers when necessary.

If you meet the requirements above or have been told you can apply, please use the link below: