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36 total results found

Server Information

List of servers and information about them!

General Information

General Information for players about SiriusMC, including its history, infrastructure, commands and more!

Tips & Tricks

Tutorials, Setup designs, anything which might be very useful for the modpacks used on the network

Modpack Information

Guides and tutorials about the modpacks SiriusMC hosts.

Tekkit 2
Tekkit Legends

Common issues & Fixes

Here you can find solutions to some of the most common issues on our servers.

The 1.12.2 Pack

Modpack Information

All the Mods 9

Modpack Information

Binnies Guide

Tips & Tricks

Includes Binnies Core, Extra Bees, Extra Trees, Genetics.

Tekkit 2

Modpack Information

Digital Miner Guide

Tips & Tricks

Digital miner guide for "The 1.12.2 Pack" and "AllTheMods9"

SiriusMC Network [WIP]

General Information

/// Overview \\\ The SiriusMC Network is a prominent Minecraft server network offering a variety of Modpacks and experiences for players of all skill levels. Known for its dedicated community, custom features, and engaging gameplay, SiriusMC provides a un...

The 1.12.2 Pack

Server Information

The 1.12.2 Pack is a large modpack containing over 250+ Mods. It is a pack optimized for high performance, stability & a customized gameplay experience. Examples of included mods are Galacticraft, AE2, Thermal Expansion and Twilight Forest. SiriusMC aims...

Tekkit 2

Server Information

 Tekkit 2, is the latest release of Tekkit for MC 1.12.2. It is a pack optimized for high-performance, stability & a customized gameplay experience. It includes mods such as IndustrialCraft, ProjectE (Equivalent Exchange), Project Red (RedPower) and BuildC...


Server Information

RLCraft is a meticulously curated survival-focused modpack! It features over 100+ Mods and is fine-tuned for immersion, and presents a challenging yet rewarding gameplay experience with a twist on survival mechanics, resource gathering, progression, and expl...

Command Guide

General Information

Welcome to the official command guide! This page provides a list of player commands categorized by their functionalities. If you have any questions or issues about the commands below, please get in touch with our support team! General Information  Se...

Staff application

General Information

Thank you for your interest in becoming a staff member at SiriusMC; please read the following information before submitting an application: Staff Applications are currently: Closed (DO NOT APPLY) Positions Available: Trial-Mod Limited Positions are availabl...

Tekkit 2 introduction

Modpack Information Tekkit 2

Tekkit 2 (from now referred to as T2) is a relatively casual kitchen sink modpack on 1.12.2, similar to both Tekkit Classic and Tekkit Legends (from now referred to as TL), with Industrialcraft Classic, ProjectE, Buildcraft, Logistics Pipes, and ProjectRed a...

SiriusMC servers

Server Information

SiriusMC Hub Address: Description: This is our central server, which serves as a lobby for players who can't join a specific server, or if they're being disconnected from a modpack server due to various reasons e.g server restarts All Th...

Staff List

General Information

Owner RishumUnited Kingdom Network Manager SernameJupiter Senior Admin   AwkwardPeachUnited Kingdom   Developers   EmuqFinland Lys0Norway Admins Huntress_MCCanada ...


General Information

Our Rules Explained Displayed below are the rules that apply when playing on SiriusMC. These rules apply to all players on the server regardless of rank, both paid and playtime based. If you are caught breaking our server rules, sanctions may be taken against...

Introduction & FAQ

Modpack Information All the Mods 9

Introduction All the Mods 9 (ATM9) is a comprehensive modpack that brings together a wide range of modifications to enhance and expand the classic Minecraft experience. Building upon the success of its predecessors, ATM9 integrates new mods, updates existin...

AllTheModium Ores Guide!

Modpack Information All the Mods 9

Tiers of AllTheModium ores:Netherite (Vanilla) ➜ AllTheModium (ATM) ➜ Vibranium (ATM) ➜ Unobtainium (ATM) Types of Ores AllTheModium Typically, this ore can only be found within the Deep Dark biome located in the Overworld dimension, but due to ...

Extra Bees

Tips & Tricks Binnies Guide

Machines Tier 1 Machines Apiarist Machine Is the base crafting component of the tier 1 machines from Extra Bees. It is also used to craft the base crafting component of the tier 2 machines, the Genetic Machine. Although this block can be placed in the wor...

Errors "Failed to login - null" or "Failed to login - invalid session" when joining a server

Common issues & Fixes

Issue description These errors mostly happen when there is a Microsoft account autentication issue on your Launcher, whether it is Technic or CurseForge.  Solution Closing the game and launcher completely, logging out from the laun...

ATM9 (All The Mods 9)

Server Information

ATM9 has over 400 mods and countless quests and a built in proper endgame. Can you craft the ATM Star? Do you dare take on the Gregstar? All the Mods started out as a private pack for just a few friends of mine that turned into something others wanted to ...

Simple Mekanism Fission Reactor + Industrial Turbine

Modpack Information All the Mods 9

The designs in this tutorial are taken straight from the Wiki as a "minimally viable stable" Reactor+Turbine setup. You can, of course, make something bigger than this but the core mechanics will be the same. Scroll to the bottom of the album if you're inter...

Digital Miner About and Usage

Tips & Tricks Digital Miner Guide

About This machine teleports mined blocks to its inventory. The player can set the mining radius and the depth for its scanning area. The player can also opt to replace all mined blocks should the player wish to do so by keeping it fed with the desired materi...

Digital Miner Modes

Tips & Tricks Digital Miner Guide

Inverse Mode The "I" icon toggle Inverse mode. Inverse mode mines everything that is not in the in the list. A practial use for this is to put Dirt, Grass, Sand, Sandstone, Gravel, Cobblestone and Stone into the ItemStack list and toggle the Inverse mode. The...

Main and Config Interface

Tips & Tricks Digital Miner Guide

Main Interface # Label Description 1 Start Button Initiates mining. Upon running for the first time after being placed or reset, it will scan the area for the desired blocks. It will NOT scan the area for any blocks/items placed after the s...


Tips & Tricks Digital Miner Guide

ItemStack Description This filter allows you to mine/break items (that you can place down) and blocks that you currently have in your possession. Some items (e.g. string) cannot be added to the filter despite being able to be placed in the world. If nothing ...